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Work Experience 

This is a list of my work and volunteer experiences.

Marketing and Sales Assistant; University of Texas Press, Austin, TX
July 2024 - Present
Works closely with Web and Digital Media Coordinator to write and post social media copy across multiple sites, take photos for press Instagram, and prepare blog posts. Fulfills desk and digital copy requests for potential course adoption of books. Aids in building lists for course adoption and pitching books for courses. Writes, edits, and routes copy for seasonal catalogs and book jackets for scholarly and trade titles. Created templates for next Fellow; will assist in Fellowship oversight and guidance.

Marketing and Editorial, Production, and Design Fellow; University of Texas Press, Austin, TX 
September 2023 - July 2024
Worked in both the Marketing and Editorial, Production, and Design departments, aiding with the creation of seasonal catalogs, marketing plans, marketing correspondence, manuscript preparation, proofreading, and project management. More about this position can be found here.

Series Copyeditor and Indexer; Object Lessons book series
December 2020 - December 2023 Line edited Object Lessons manuscripts for clarity, succinct language, and proper grammar. Wrote index for final manuscript before publication. Object Lessons is a serialized book series on the hidden lives of ordinary things, published by Bloomsbury.

Graduate Teaching Assistant; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
August 2021 - May 2023Taught two sections of ENG 272, Introduction to Creative Nonfiction, with unique syllabus and course materials. Taught one section of ENG 105, NAU’s requisite Composition class, and one section of ENG 205, an equivalency course for more advanced students. Though the title of the position is Assistant, GTAs in the English Department individually led their own classes and worked collaboratively under several supervisors, rather than assisting one professor. Position also includes tutoring at the University Writing Commons, helping students improve their writing in an informal one-on-one setting.

Editorial Assistant; Guernica Magazine
October 2022 - June 2023
Read submissions, fact checked pieces, and formatted pieces for WordPress for Guernica’s website. Previously worked as a reader for timely submissions, beginning in December 2020. Guernica is a volunteer-run, non-profit publication focused on global arts and politics.

Guest Editor; Tenderness Lit
February 2022 - March 2022Solicited to read and select pieces from general submissions for the Spring 2022 issue of Tenderness, a literary magazine and small press founded in 2017 which aims to publish LGBT+ and POC authors.

Copyeditor; America, America Substack
April 2021 - May 2022  Line edited pieces for America, America, a Substack channel that delivers writing directly to subscribers’ inboxes multiple times a week. America, America publishes dispatches on political and societal news as it unfolds, written by journalist and scholar Steven Beschloss.

Assistant Teacher; Metairie Park Country Day School, New Orleans, LA
June 2019 - May 2021  Assisted teachers in classrooms with children ages one to five. Previously led classroom of two and three year olds, and assisted with clerical and administrative duties.

Editorial Assistant; Object Lessons book series
May 2017 - August 2019 Coordinated and planned various accommodations for Object Lessons Workshops funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Copy edited and gave feedback for five unpublished Object Lessons manuscripts under the direction of Dr. Christopher Schaberg. 

Volunteer Reader; WRBH Radio, 88.3FM New Orleans
January 2018 - May 2021Spent one hour a week reading excerpts from magazines, books, and newspapers on tape. Readings are aired on WRBH, one of two radio stations in the country focused on providing news and other print sources as audio to the blind, print-impaired, and other listeners.

Editorial Assistant; The New Orleans Review 
January 2018 - April 2019 Reviewed magazine submissions and did other miscellaneous internship duties under former editor Dr. Mark Yakich’s guidance. Transcribed interviews and helped digitize archival and special collections materials for Interviews from the Edge: 50 Years of Conversations about Writing and Resistance, and related Special Collections exhibit at Loyola University New Orleans. 

Student Coordinator; 1718 Reading Series 
August 2017 - August 2019 Planned and oversaw three to five readings each semester, hosted at the historic Columns hotel, in which students from Loyola and other local universities read alongside internationally-known authors with a recently published book. Authors included Jami Attenberg, Anne Gisleson, Christine Stroud, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, and others.

Co-Editor-in-Chief; Critical and Creative Arts Publication 
August 2017 - December 2018 Oversaw staff and publication on a budding ccapub.org, revising and copy editing articles and essays about media and culture written by students at Loyola University New Orleans. Recruited new staff writers. Previously worked as founding member on staff, writing articles and copy editing.

Freelance Services

Developmental Editing

Early-stage edits on your manuscript to help focus your work, improve its structure, and get it closer to complete. Go here to see my statement on cultural sensitivity and editing.

Copy Editing

Line-level work on your manuscript to tighten the language and fix the small errors.

Indexing + Reference Work

A human- (not robot) written index which highlights the themes of your work and helps readers find what they need. Plus, other work related to clean up citations and references in your manuscript.  

For fees and other inquiries, click here.

Editorial Work

Look below to see some of the titles I’ve edited and/or indexed.


Selected Writing

“Everyone But Me Wrote This,” review of McKenzie Wark’s Love and Sex, Money and Death, in Guernica, September 2023 

“Package Fever” in Carbon Copy, January 2021

“Tumbling Toward Awareness in Transformations, October 2020

“If I Could Just See the Levee From My Backyard” in 433, June 2020

“Undertones” in The Rumpus, March 2019

“Building the Dream: Lego Friends and the Construction of Human Capital” written collaboratively, in 3AM Magazine, June 2018

Interview with Margarida Vale de Gato in the New Orleans Review, October 2017

“Evening with Grandma” and “Evening with Grandma 2” published in Tenderness Lit, April 2017

Review of The Gods Are Dead in the New Orleans Review, November 2016

“Namesakes” in The Millions, July 2016

I am a writer, editor, and educator based in Austin, Texas. I’m the Sales and Marketing Assisstant at the University of Texas Press. I was the Press’s 2023-24 Publishing Fellow. I have an MFA in creative writing from Northern Arizona University.

I write a blog called good consumer::. I was the copyeditor and indexer for Object Lessons, a book series published by Bloomsbury, from the end of 2020 through 2023. I’ve taught creative nonfiction and composition classes at the college level and my work has appeared in GuernicaThe Rumpus, The Millions, the New Orleans Review, and elsewhere. I’ve organized in community spaces, including the University Union of Northern Arizona. Coverage about my work with the union can be found here and here.

My editorial and teaching philosophies are informed by radical pedagogies about writer autonomy and freedom, as well as community-based practices. My editorial work spans a range of texts, including long-form works of philosophy, personal narrative nonfiction, and critical theoretical texts. In my spare time I write about culture, labor, and identity.