I am a writer, book worker, and educator based in Austin, Texas. I’m the Sales and Marketing Assisstant at the University of Texas Press, where I was previously the  2023-24 Publishing Fellow. I have an MFA in creative writing from Northern Arizona University.

I write a blog called good consumer::. I was previously the copyeditor and indexer for Object Lessons, a book series published by Bloomsbury. I’ve taught creative nonfiction and composition classes at the college level and my work has appeared in Guernica, The Rumpus, The Millions, the New Orleans Review, and elsewhere. I’ve organized in community spaces, including the University Union of Northern Arizona. Coverage about my work with the union can be found here and here.

My editorial and teaching philosophies are informed by radical pedagogies about writer autonomy and freedom, as well as community organizing-based practices. My editorial work spans a range of texts, including long-form works of philosophy, personal narrative nonfiction, and critical theoretical texts. In my spare time I write about culture, labor, and identity.

“Package Fever” in Carbon Copy, January 2021
“Tumbling Toward Awareness” in Transformations, October 2020
“If I Could Just See the Levee From My Backyard” in 433, June 2020
“Undertones” in The Rumpus, March 2019
“Building the Dream: Lego Friends and the Construction of Human Capital” written collaboratively, in 3AM Magazine, June 2018
“Namesakes” in The Millions, July 2016

Interviews and Reviews
“Everyone But Me Wrote This,” review of McKenzie Wark’s Love and Sex, Money and Death, in Guernica, September 2023
Interview with Margarida Vale de Gato in the New Orleans Review, October 2017
Review of The Gods Are Dead in the New Orleans Review, November 2016

To the right are some of the titles I’ve worked on. Read below to learn more about the services I offer. Shoot me an email by clicking on this sentence. 

Developmental EditingEarly-stage edits on your manuscript to help focus your work, improve its structure, and get it closer to a complete draft.

CopyeditingLine-level work on your manuscript to tighten the language and fix the small errors.

Indexing + Reference Work
A human (not robot) written index which highlights the themes of your work and helps readers find what they need. Plus, other related work to clean up citations and references in your manuscript.

Recent Work
I copyedited the text for the archival research site Creating a Federal Government, guided by Dr. Peter Kastor and hosted at Washington University in St. Louis.